Frankie Feathers

Erotic and relational Expansion through Conscious Kink


Meet Your
Inner Dom

Step into your confidence, your power 

and your pleasure.

Hi, I'm Frankie

My mission is to normalize kink as a powerful therapeutic tool. With over ten years in the sexual and reproductive health fields and two master’s degrees, I combine therapeutic modalities, BDSM, and aspects of tantra to guide you on a transformational journey into the deepest corners of your sexuality.

As a Therapeutic Kink Specialist, I will work with you to understand the full landscape of your sexuality: the things that turn you on and the things that you are ashamed that turn you on. Using what emerges, together we will dive into your desires in a way that will not only ignite your sensuality, but also expand your connection with yourself. You will embrace your exiled parts to give you the sense of freedom you have always sought.

What is Conscious Kink?

Conscious kink is acknowledging the potential kink has to be a gateway to incredible intimacy, self-development, discovery of the Mysteries of existence, ecstatic (and other) states of consciousness and profound love.


(Virtual and In-Person Available)

Therapeutic Submission

Discover how your desire to be submissive could be the key to unlocking your greatest gifts.

Meeting Your Inner Dom

Learn how to embrace a dominant role, either sexually or in life, that is both effortless and immensely empowering. 

Kink in Partnership

Discover a world of polarity, passion, tension and play with your partner. 


"When I met Frankie I’d been suffering from major depressive disorder for 12 years. I had cycled through four therapists and even more pharmaceutical therapies. Frankie's therapeutic insight, genuine care, energy, and steadfast support helped to lift me out of the long darkness. I am now on a path I had imagined impossible. I am capable of envisioning a future. Thank you, Frankie."
Adam Sendler
Previous Client
With Frankie's help, I have become much more attuned with my own body, and learned how its responses were holding me back from saying what I need and from being fulfilled in my relationships. This has made me much more confident in expressing my needs with my partner, but also has given me skills to help her let me know about her needs, and made me more resilient in hearing how I can better meet them. Frankie has helped me become a much better partner in relationships, and I only wish I could have started learning these things decades ago.
Adam Sendler
Previous Client
Frankie brought deep empathy and insight into every interaction she had with me. She helped me see how certain ways I thought about myself were causing me pain and worked with me in reframing those ideas. She fostered trust and connection and provided me with accountability as I worked to make a better life for myself. My time with her has been transformational, and my path moving forward has been made better for having met her.
Adam Sendler
Previous Client